(780) 951-7780

Being authentic requires self-awareness, self-acceptance, and intentional behaviour.

Authentic people have the courage to consistently present their Higher Self in all relationships. People who are authentic are clear about the philosophy and principles that guide their lives. They treat themselves and others with respect. They demonstrate their character and what they believe in by what they say, what they do and what they “say they do.” Our current culture is strongly influenced by social media’s definition of what matters most rather than by the virtues that define a person’s good character.

In today’s world, success tends to be measured externally e.g. by salary, status, achievements, position, power, or number of social media followers, rather than by whether or not someone is of good character. A common question asked of children “What are you going to be when you grow up?” might suggest there’s a natural fit between the true self and the kind of work that is chosen when one grows up.

However, that assumption fails to consider how quickly the obsessive nature of “doing” in our paid work roles can undermine and distract us from the yearnings of our real being, The outcome of a strong focus on doing rather than being keeps us tied to the drives of our ego.

On the other hand, living authentically true to oneself can provide the depth we need to go beyond what we do for a living, the titles we have, the possessions we own, or how much money we earn. I believe that living from the strength of authenticity provides one with a distinct career advantage because it contributes to trust building in all relationships.

In his book The Speed of Trust Stephen M.R. Covey encourages his readers to be sure to build a high trust account in their lives, for there is nothing more important in every relationship. Our authentic self is who we are at our deepest core. It is our connection to Source, and it is the true path to career wellbeing, contentment, and joy.

Questions for Reflection:

1. Describe your fundamental nature, e.g. what is at the core of your character?

2. Who are the authentic people in your life and what do you admire most about them?

3. What are some things you have changed or would like to change in your life, for you to live more authentically?

Love and Blessings,



“If you do not tell the truth about yourself, you cannot tell the truth about other people.” Virginia Woolf