(780) 951-7780

"We are best motivated for work not by being pushed into it or by outside compensation but by inner desire." Matthew Fox, author of The Reinvention of Work.  

To be dynamic means to be characterized by continuous change or vigorous activity, high effectiveness, and having energy or force. In the 21st century managing your career as a dynamic process is essential for success and fulfillment.
In today's work world it's becoming less and less likely for anyone to expect to launch a career with one organization, to count on being there for many years, and to experience continuous advancement through the ranks to a leadership role.
Current career statistics indicate that the average person will change his/her career 5 to 7 times in a lifetime. Furthermore, as the technological era continues to create a vast variety of career choices, predictions are that about 1/3 of the total workforce could change jobs every year.
Employees, particularly younger generations, no longer expect nor want to work for one employer for years. What they do expect is the opportunity for learning and development, challenging work with ongoing skill acquisition and good leadership. When these things are not forthcoming they are apt to move on. Research tells us the main reasons people choose to leave a job are 1) they don't like their supervisor, 2) they no longer like or enjoy the work, and 3) there's limited opportunity for career growth.
The new reality of constant change in the world of work can create excitement for people who crave action and variety, or considerable angst for those who need more certainty and predictability in their lives. Regardless of these preferences, and based on the reality that change is part of life's process, it can be a significant advantage to learn how to strategically manage your career path.
The following diagram shows the strategic nature of career planning for 21st century careers. All factors must be considered and monitored in order to support consistentcareer satisfaction and well-being. Understanding oneself, the world of work and the various outside influences contributes to the steps identified in the outer circle which represents a process that can be repeated as one moves through life transtitions or stages.    

The ultimate goal is to be able to look back on a life well lived and a career that allowed one to make a contribution through truly meaningful work.
             Take good care of yourself,