(780) 951-7780



What’s in Store for You in 2025?

 Kathleen Johnston  

A New Year’s resolution is typically a commitment to oneself for the year ahead – perhaps to accomplish a project, change a habit, or make


What Matters Most?

 Kathleen Johnston  

It is January! A great time for reflection, setting intentions and planning choices for living well. I have decided that the question posed as the


The Strength of Being Authentic

 Kathleen Johnston  

Being authentic requires self-awareness, self-acceptance, and intentional behaviour. Authentic people have the courage to consistently present their Higher Self in all relationships. People who are

Women’s Career Progression

 Kathleen Johnston  

International Women’s Day typically provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the challenges faced by women. Whether the role is mothering, caregiving, paid professional

How Well Do You Know Yourself?

 Kathleen Johnston  

I am not one for declaring new year’s resolutions, however, I find January can be a good time for reflecting and reconnecting with oneself. During


The Relevance of Your Values System

 Kathleen Johnston  

Our VALUES define the things we prize the very most in life. They are the ideals that guide us everyday. A value you hold cannot

The Power of Your Intent

 Kathleen Johnston  

Intent is capable of profoundly affecting all aspects of our lives. A common description for intention is a mental state in which an individual commits

The Importance of Resilience

 Kathleen Johnston  

Resilience is defined as the process of adapting well in the face of trauma or tragedy, threats, or other significant sources of stress (Southwick et

Ego Defense Mechanisms

Ego Defense Mechanisms


Anxiety, incivility, and intolerance seem to be rampant these days. In addition to being a threat to our physical health, Covid 19 is undermining our


Sisters KJ



A sister is always there when you need her the most. Regardless of the calamity a sister will rise to the challenge, setting aside her

Life Lessons

Life’s Lessons


This is my birthday month which typically motivates me to reflect on life and lessons learned. I believe everyday life is the very best school,

Mental Health

Coping in Challenging Times

 Kathleen Johnston  

Acknowledging Mental Health Week May 3 – 9, 2021 The incredible state of uncertainty foisted on us by the Covid Pandemic is taking an enormous