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It is January! A great time for reflection, setting intentions and planning choices for living well. I have decided that the question posed as the title for this article will guide my daily living in 2024. 

I absolutely love to read. One of my habits is to make notes when I discover things I want to remember or be able to review. A drawback to that habit is that I don’t always reference the source and so often I cannot say where I read it. Oh, the frailty of being a human. 

The content of this article consists of information I have found to be helpful and and so have written it in my journals. Some are sourced, most are not. 

Here are a few of my notes and quotes about living well:

·Begin with the attitude that your choices matter. Thus, we can either grow or become diminished by what we do or do not do.

·It is not just what happens to me that shapes who I am, but what happens inside me that makes the difference – what I feel and how I react inwardly and outwardly determines who I become, far more so than the degree of adversity I encounter.

·An intention is a seed that creates behaviour. Be mindful of your Intentions for they are mostly unconscious. Only a fully awake heart understands our intentions.

·“While achieving goals can bring temporary satisfaction, it can never replace the need to know the meaning found in experiencing what we are.” (The Call by Oriah Mountain Dreamer).

· Ego: who we are. Essence: what we are. Life without essence awareness lacks meaning and connection. Life without ego awareness lacks fire and direction. (The Call by Oriah Mountain Dreamer).

· How much of the story you have created about yourself do you mistake for who and what you really are? This question came from a course I took this past spring. The lecturer asked all attendees to take time each day over the week between his classes to do this exercise:                       

Take a blank sheet of paper and write at the top: Who Am I, REALLY? And then free flow your responses. It was worth the time.

·“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” ― Lao Tzu

Warm wishes and blessings as you make the best possible choices for yourself in 2024.

              Love, Kathleen