(780) 951-7780

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." ~Anais Nin

Christmas Blessing, Not Stressing

For some people this time of year brings back beautiful memories of celebrations with loved ones, special foods, and happy events. For others, it triggers a deep sense of loneliness or grief even in the midst of festivities and splendor. Regardless of happy memories or sad emotional responses, most women also experience higher levels of stress as we prepare for the holiday season.

The perspective we choose to take toward the people, events and situations showing up in our daily lives, plays a significant role in how we experience them. This time of year we can either work ourselves into an exhausted state by cramming more and more commitments and obligations into a finite piece of time, or we can choose to reflect on our blessings and spend our holiday season in ways that will bring us more joy and ease.

In addition to accepting situations and people as they are, here are some ways to reduce your stress and enjoy the festive season:

1. Apply the K.I.S.S. principle (keep it simple sister). Create a list containing each task you think you need to complete in the next 10-14 days. The list can have two headings: Employment-Related Tasks and Home/Family Tasks. Then carefully examine each item and decide how you can either simplify, delegate, delay or drop it entirely. Be ruthless!

2. De-clutter. It's a fact that clutter adds stress to our daily lives. It seems to cloud our thinking as well as our space. Reduce unnecessary clutter by gathering any items you don't need right now and boxing them up. Make a list of the contents and tape it on each box and then put them in storage. This will give you some breathing
space, make room for displaying holiday decorations and also help you get organized for the new year.

3. Look for ways to laugh and have fun. Consider your festive commitments. If you'd sooner have a root canal than attend a particular function, find a creative way to be unavailable. Life is short. Only do the fun stuff!

4. Make time for yourself. Book a massage, a pedicure or a facial. Go to a movie by yourself and eat your favorite junk food – you can work out later. Go for a walk in an outdoor green space or if it's too cold, take a book and sit on a bench in a beautiful setting like the Muttart Conservatory.

I hope you will find a tidbit or two here to help lower your stress levels over the next few weeks and that your Spirit will be filled with the Christmas message of Joy, Love and Hope.

Take good care,
