Kathleen has been my coach several times over the past six years. Initially, she was instrumental in helping me navigate how best to handle some challenging situations in my workplace. However, over time, we have dug deep into who I am as a professional and as a person. This has involved conversations about everything from my values to my personality preferences to my purpose in life and what I want my Third Act (age 60 years and onward) to look like. Perhaps it’s intuitive that aligning our values with our purpose in life is critical to leading a fulfilling life, but it is through coaching conversations with Kathleen that I found the time and space to figure some of these things out.
With her support, I’ve been able to recognize some of my self-limiting beliefs, think bigger than I otherwise might have, and envision how I want to continue to add value to the communities I’m part of. With her support, I am now implementing a plan towards my vision and have become an entrepreneur—a leadership coach—in my Third Act.
Based on my experiences with Kathleen as my coach, I would describe her as supportive, encouraging, non-judgmental, adaptable and generous. Inevitably, I come away from a conversation with Kathleen feeling better about myself and my concerns than before we began. She is my trusted thought partner, helping me bring things to the surface and examine them from different angles. I always feel safe with her.
Leadership CoachAfter a 20 year history with one company, I was overwhelmed about how to transition to a new position. I didn’t know where to begin. You helped me assess my talents and strengths and you provided a strategic structure to help me make a positive new career change. I emerged from the process with a stronger sense of who I am, what I want to achieve and what I have to offer an organization that is compatible with my values.
Executive, Corporate Business SectorLife changing both personally and professionally” is what I generally tell people who ask me about my coaching experience with Kathleen. I went to see Kathleen because I was at a crossroads. Stuck in a job that was diminishing my self-worth, I didn’t know how to package the experience I had to get the job I wanted.
Having the support of someone who is so invested in helping you find the job that makes your heart sing is gratifying and inspiring. I learned more about myself in each session with Kathleen than I thought possible. I would walk in feeling deflated and leave feeling uplifted and motivated to keep moving forward towards my goal.
I’m happy to say that the transition has been more seamless than I ever imagined. I chalk that up to the fact that I’ve walked into a new role with a stronger sense of who I am and how I like and need to work. That wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t worked with Kathleen. She has truly changed my life and most importantly, she’s changed the way I view work.
Communications ProfessionalAt the age of 53, I was utterly overwhelmed about how to transition into a new career. I walked into Kathleen’s office and was instantly comforted by her engaging manner and the wall of books. I learned so much about myself, my real, deep down interests in life and what truly mattered to me. My entire axis tilted and I’m a different person. Instead of working 24/7 I have time for friends in my new job, and I have time to devote myself to hobbies and family. I am happy.
Scientist/EntrepreneurKathleen is one of the most personable, intelligent counselor/coaches I have ever encountered. She is truly a lifelong learner, draws from a depth of experience and has a delightful sense of humour. She quickly grasped my core issues and helped me work through them. I would recommend going to her for psychological blocks or just for a tune up.
University Professor